The Faire Lands have appeared!
This is the 10th Anniversary of the Relay For Life Fantasy Faire, and from what I've had the pleasure to see, the designers have all outdone themselves. The lands themselves are breathtaking, and deserve attention and exploration, as they will not be around for long. Visit, wander, and donate generously. "Fantasy Faire has always fought and battled cancer, both in spirit and in donations. All of the money we collect goes to American Cancer Society through Relay For Life of Second Life.This is the first year that ACS allows earmarking donated funds to go to a special project, and Fantasy Faire is going to do exactly that. All the money raised during Fantasy Faire 2018 will go toward the first Hope Lodge in Nairobi, Kenya."
Vylriann Eyes:Pisces Vyria Horns:Pastel w/ Metallic candle add-on
@ Fantasy Faire 2018 in the Pools of Ethuil (Plastik)
Erstwhile (Trap) The Little Bat//Ryu Necklace @ Fantasy Faire 2018 in Severina DeviousMind//Chain Necklace & Chained Silk Skirt:Lilac Sheer Bronze @ Fantasy Faire 2018 in the Willows of Nienna Bite & Claw//Goddess Diadem @ Fantasy Faire 2018 in the Falls of Hope
Exile//Half-Shut Eyes
Much more to come!